It is our hope that our home may play a role in the lives of members of the community once again through events such as our annual Christmas Open House, Trick-or-Treat night, Science Camp, Community Brunches, and Movie Nights.

We had been looking for a new home for about two months, when we found our dream house, the Cotton Candy House.  We were looking for an older home, a house with history, a house with some of that old-fashioned attention to details, and we definitely found it.  What we quickly discovered, was not only did we love this house, most of Bernville did also.  People were stopping to look at the house, to talk to us about the house, and to share with us their stories of the house.   We quickly realized that our home played an important part in the lives of many who lived in Bernville, and we wanted to continue that tradition.  So with this in mind we started doing our Annual Open House, after only living in the house for 2 months ourselves.  Throughout the years we have sold popcorn and cotton candy during various town events to benefit charities and given away hundreds if not thousands of bags of cotton candy.  We’ve also hosted afternoon tea for several members of the community and are looking forward to hosting more and some brunches.